Guide to Keyword Contests: How to Use Secret Code Words and Win Prizes

Unlocking the Excitement: The Ultimate Guide To Entering Keyword Contests

Unlocking the Excitement: The Ultimate Guide To Entering Keyword Contests

The majority of the contests featured daily on typically require filling out a standard form and submitting your entry.

But what if you seek greater excitement, more interaction and, dare we say, a little challenge?

Why not set out on a quest for hidden keywords or code words instead?

Home » Guide to Keyword Contests: How to Use Secret Code Words and Win Prizes

Contests have long been a source of excitement, offering participants the chance to win prizes, experiences, and entertainment.

In this article, I will explore the allure of keyword contests, examining why they have become so popular and what sets them apart from other forms of giveaways.

What Are Keyword Contests?

In recent years, our team has seen a rise in keyword contests, which require a unique code word for entry. These contests add an element of mystery and fun to the traditional giveaway and we are adding new ones several times a month.
I participate in contests every day, and I must confess, I thoroughly enjoy utilizing Roboform for swift form filling and submission. It undeniably saves time and allows me to enter numerous sweepstakes in no time at all.

However, as convenient as auto-filling forms may be, it can become a bit monotonous just to enter your name and address and click submit. So, for me, contests that incorporate an element of challenge add an exciting twist to the mix.

First and foremost, keyword contests engage on a deeper level than traditional giveaways. Instead of simply filling out a form or submitting basic information, you are tasked with uncovering a secret word or phrase.

This requirement adds an element of challenge and adventure to the contest, turning it into a quest for discovery.

And who doesn’t love to become active participants in the contest, rather than passive observer?

Who Is Holding Them and what are the Marketing Strategies behind them?

From a marketing perspective, keyword contests offer several distinct advantages for brands and companies over other forms of promotion.

Unlike traditional giveaways, which may attract a large number of entries but with little meaningful engagement, keyword contests attract a highly motivated and engaged audience. Participants are willing to invest time and effort in solving the puzzle and uncovering the keyword, making them more likely to be receptive to the sponsor’s programming or message.

Additionally, keyword contests offer sponsors valuable insights into their audience’s preferences and interests. By analyzing the strategies and tactics used by participants to uncover the keyword, sponsors can gain a better understanding of what resonates with their target demographic. This information can then be used to inform future marketing campaigns and product development initiatives.

Where Can I Find Keyword Promotions?

This is my favourite and the fun part! Here you get to listen to your favourite Radio stations, watch popular TV shows and hunt for a chance to win all kinds of prizes.

One of my go-to Radio stations is iHeart Radio, which accompanies me during my daily commute and work hours. I always keep my ears open for their exciting giveaways. They host numerous recurring contests like the Flyaway to Las Vegas and the immensely popular $100,000 Destroy Your Debt giveaway recently featured on Virgin Radio, another iHeart station.

Fresh keywords, magic codes, or secret words are announced every two hours during the work week, and it’s a little addictive, I have to admit, to tune in and make sure I can catch them all for myself and our readers here to enjoy!

The $25,000 Bounce to the Bank and Bounce Big Money $100,000 Jackpot Giveaway are more awesome radio cash contests, and as you can see, the prizes are quite impressive!

Furthermore we have the TV shows that offer us many more prizes, often vacations and trips to the very locations where the shows are filmed.

I would have absolutely loved to visit Scotland, the location where Outlander was filmed which happened to be the grand prize in the WNetwork Outlander contest. I never missed one of the code words, and even though I did not win this one, I am looking forward to doing it again during the upcoming season.

WNetwork and Vision TV are always featured on Contestscoop and with shows airing for several weeks to months, there’s ample opportunity to tune in and snag prizes. Even your favourite local news stations like CTV Atlantic, Global BC, or CP24 Toronto incorporate keyword giveaways into their daily broadcasts

If you happen to miss a keyword, be sure to visit us after the show concludes—I’m always eager to include them here. This leads me to the next crucial point!

It’s a Community – Get Your Friends Involved

Moreover, keyword contests foster a sense of community among participants. Our readers keep commenting below, leaving code words they have heard, or asking for a missed one.

It’s great to band together to unlock keywords and form connections with one another.

Our Contestscoop team takes turns listening for codes and sharing them. If you tend to wake later in the morning, consider enlisting the help of an early-rising spouse, sister, or friend to catch the first 6 a.m. code words, while you could volunteer to secure the lunch or late afternoon ones.

Be sure to also explore online forums and social media pages where other members often share valuable hints.

In this way, keyword contests not only provide entertainment and excitement but also create a sense of camaraderie and belonging among sweepers.


So, to wrap it all up, we certainly noticed that keyword contests have become popular sweepstakes to share in our newsletters and Social Media posts.

They are a game-changer in captivating audiences and boosting brand awareness.

They inject excitement and a bit of thrill into the typical giveaway scenario, keeping participants hooked and eager to join in the fun.

Let us know in a comment which code word promotions you enjoy entering and have you won anything lately?

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